Master Your Executive Stress and Enjoy Life Sober
- A Digital Course for Busy Professionals
Achieve lasting sobriety and stress management from the comfort of your home, using your strengths and proven strategies.
Does This Sound Familiar?
You've tried to quit on your own, but can't.
Your life looks fine on the outside, but inside, you struggle.
You excel at work but break promises to yourself and your family.
Despite your success, you can't stop drinking.
Every day starts with resolve, but by 4:00 PM, you find excuses to drink.
You can't get ahead of the stress and stop drinking for good.
Your life feels like Groundhog Day - the same broken promises, the same failed attempts.
Does This Describe You?
Common suggestions don’t work for you.
Ideas from Alcoholics Anonymous or religion such as “surrender” or “powerlessness” don’t make sense to you.
You want to rely on science, not a “higher power.”
You don’t want labels or negativity: just answers and a plan.
It doesn’t make sense. So much of your life works - your job, your work results, your network. Your life “looks” just fine. But you can’t stop drinking. You know stress is involved but it’s not the whole picture.
It’s possible to be productive, ambitious, and successful and meet the stressful challenges of your life - SOBER.
Imagine if you…
● Keep your promises to your partner, kids, and yourself.
● Meet career demands with clear thinking.
● Stayed sober without attending meetings or going away for weeks.
● Enjoyed restful sleep and woke up refreshed.
● Enjoyed an energizing daily routine.
● Aligned your inner and outer life.
I created Sober in the C-Suite for professionals like you so you can manage sobriety in private.
This digital self-study course develops the skills and habits needed to manage Executive Stress and enjoy life without alcohol.
Sober in the C-Suite uses the best of the treatment industry to help professionals address their alcohol problem in the privacy of their own home, offices while still living their life and meeting the demands of their work.
Dr. Jo is published in
Meet Dr. Joanne Ketch
Before I became a Doctor of Professional Counseling, my early career in business hit a wall because my drinking prevented me from “reaching my full potential.” My mentors were baffled because my trajectory and history showed that I should have achieved “more” and “more quickly” but what wasn’t obvious was that I was drinking massive amounts of alcohol daily and it was getting worse.
It didn’t make sense.
I knew a little bit about alcoholism and that it could impact “anyone” and not just stereotypes but my denial had me convinced I couldn’t be one because I was educated and managed to achieve “anyway.”
I got sober, learned to manage Executive Stress, and enjoy life. I have lived through celebrations, rites of passage, minor and major stressors, career transitions, and all the joys and challenges of life - all while sober.
At about 15 years sober, I returned to school and combined my life experience with a lot of academic and professional training and now it’s my mission to help other professionals learn how to live comfortably sober.
Sober in the C-Suite is a private digital course designed to help professionals manage Executive Stress and enjoy life without alcohol. Access it from your home or office, without attending groups or leaving your responsibilities behind.
Sober in the C-Suite IS:
A private digital course
Positive and strengths-based
Evidence and science-based
Designed for lasting sobriety
Customizable to your needs
Practical and effective
Sober in the C-Suite is NOT
Traditional treatment
Just another self-help course
A plan to help you drink less
12-Step or AA
Religious or spiritual-based
A quick fix
Centered on labels or powerlessness
Cliche suggestions
What You'll Gain from Sober in the C-Suite
Explore how alcohol use disorder develops and create a custom plan.
Learn to stop drinking using science-backed principles.
Develop sustainable daily habits that support sober living.
Control what felt out of control before you stopped drinking.
Create an actionable plan to enjoy positive habits, manage stress, and enjoy life.
Learn your risk of relapse and develop a plan to prevent it.
Integrate knowledge about how anxiety, depression, or trauma impacts your drinking.
Employ valuable and strategies that you can apply repeatedly.
How the Course Works
Using my signature course, you’ll learn about your drinking patterns, develop a custom plan, build a new identity as a non-drinker, and structure your life to executive manage stress so that you don’t want to drink.
Sober in the C-Suite Benefits and Features
Insight: Identify key performance indicators for your sobriety and create an action plan.
Innovative and Efficient: Uses positive and strengths-based assessments and tools.
Growth: Utilizes the science of positive habits and personal development.
Structured: Teaches the science of over-drinking and builds your plan sequentially.
Sobriety: Engagement with the equips you with the tools that support long-term sobriety.
Better Relationships: Improved relationships as you continue to stay sober.
Relief: Wake up each day without the burden of "am I going to drink?"
Confidence Building: Develop your "sobriety muscles" and build confidence.
Direction: Execute a custom plan that aligns with your skills, needs, and objectives.
Accountability and Support: Discover social connectedness and support outside traditional AA settings.
This course uses your ability to gather and synthesize information. Think of it as identifying KPIs for your sobriety and creating an action plan to reach your objectives.
Innovative, Efficient, Value Packed
Many components of traditional treatment models don’t work for professionals: things like labels and confrontation, ideas like “surrender” and “powerlessness.” This course uses positive and strengths based assessments and tools to evaluate and manage your sobriety.
Sober in the C-Suite is not your average course - it is my signature approach developed from my unique perspective of, industry experience, business background, and personal success and a touch of obsessiveness around how the science of positive habits help people live better lives.
What's Inside the Course
Unit 1 What Happens When Someone Over Drinks
Learn how an alcohol use disorder develops, discover how yours happened, and develop your plan to become alcohol free.
Unit 2 Sober Identity, Stress Management, and Mindset
Transform your identity and gain confidence being sober.
Unit 3 Introduction to sober tools & self-help cognitive behavioral intervention
Learn how to observe your thinking pattern to identify helpful ways of thinking and minimize unhelpful ways of thinking.
Unit 4 Relapse Prevention Planning
Understand the patterns of recurrence, review your own history of recurrence, and construct a custom plan to prevent the pattern that leads to drinking.
Unit 5 Deal with any depression, anxiety, mood, and mindset issues
Perform a SWOT analysis on your combination mental health, mood, and anticipate what might “pop up” for your attention.
Unit 6 Audit your personal energy, focus, stress
Understand yourself in ways that protect your sobriety, your time, your productivity, mood, and even your relationships
When You Order Sober in the C-Suite, You’ll Also Get These Bonus Items:
Relationships in Sobriety - This is a bonus unit on what to expect in relationships when someone gets sober. This helpful resource is based on my observation and experience developing the family service programs in both inpatient and outpatient settings and helping families navigate the changes that they’ve been hoping for, but in many cases, the challenges they weren’t prepared for.
“Your Guide on Celebrating, Grieving, Honoring, and Cheering Without Alcohol” - A bonus eBook that guides you through common life events without alcohol.
Defense Mechanisms (also known as “denial") - A bonus eBook that defines defense mechanisms and categorizes them for deeper understanding and insight of how they show up in thinking about drinking.
Is This Course Right for You?
You’re ready to quit drinking, manage stress, and enjoy life without alcohol.
You’re in a demanding, high-stress job and need a plan to quit successfully.
You are ready to quit drinking to protect your health, reputation, and relationships.
You know you have a problem but prefer to address it privately and on a schedule that works for your life.
You’ve tried to quit before but returned to drinking because the stress was too much and you didn’t have the right plan.
Sober in the C-Suite May Not Be For You If:
You are wanting to “cut down” on alcohol rather than finally quit
The 12-Step model is sufficient for you
Church or religion is enough for you
You are going to admit to an Intensive Outpatient (IOP) or residential treatment program
You believe “just stopping” is enough and you don’t need a custom plan
This is based on the science of alcohol use disorder and the most recent treatment industry research and information. While this course may help in general with improving habits, positive habit building, and brain health, the program is built to be used on a foundation of total abstinence.
This was written specifically with alcohol use disorder, its science, psychology, cultural, and behavioral characteristics. It is true that there is significant overlap in substance use recovery of all forms and this course has content that would benefit anyone seeking recovery from substance abuse. However, each drug class has unique and specific physiological, cultural, and psychological components. These individual drug class components are not covered in this course.
Unfortunately, psychotherapeutic licensure is facilitated through individual states. It’s not feasible for me to become licensed in each state, province, or internationally. Therefore, Sober in the C-Suite is offered as a self-contained course. I do accept questions which I may answer in general terms to my subscribers in newsletter or on my professional social media accounts.
First let me emphasize that detoxification (commonly known as “detox”) from alcohol can be fatal. The need for detox is informed by your history of alcohol use, general health, and other factors. You may need to seek medical support during this phase of your recovery.
I also want to be honest and share that successful recoveries share certain characteristics. So, while not everyone needs to “go to AA,” social connectedness is a needed common factor and Sober in the C-Suite will take you through discovering your best options for social connectedness in ways that support your sobriety. One of those options is AA.
Sober in the C-Suite is a comprehensive, well designed course based on years of experience, observation, applied science, and industry knowledge. But it can’t replicate components of mutual support (such as 12-Step, Dharma Recovery, Smart Recovery, Celebrate Recovery). It can’t substitute for the professionally led in-person learning of a well designed and executed IOP or residential treatment. And Sober in the C-Suite can’t create the transformative impact of peer dynamics that group process facilitates
Why Sober in the C-Suite Stands Out
In a field where innovation is key to progress, Dr. Ketch shines as a trailblazer. Her commitment to thinking outside the box ensures that clients receive not only effective treatment but also compassionate support that addresses their unique needs. It is this dedication to holistic care that cements Dr. Joanne Ketch's position at the top of my referral list.
Dr. Ketch's SOAR (Science of Addiction Recovery) curriculum has proven to be invaluable tools for my work with groups and individuals seeking tools to become better versions of themselves and be free of substance use.
- Shawn Slobe - Primary Therapist, Residential Treatment Center, LMSW
“Joanne is brilliant. The way she combines the science and the holistic approach is masterful.”
Joanne has excellent experience in the counseling field. She has a strong knowledge and skill set that surpasses all. I know clients are in good hands when I refer to Joanne.
- Dr. Jodie Bergquist - Licensed Professional Counselor, DPC, LPC-S, LCDC
Joanne is extremely skilled at recovery support. I have witnessed her deep knowledge of multi-modal therapies delivered with care and compassion. She’s always empathetic but has no problem cutting to the chase and pointing out issues and solutions. I only wish my family had encountered her earlier in our recovery journey.
- Melissa Sorensen
Joanne is a gifted, caring and knowledgeable therapist. She has experience in treating many different areas of concern, providing helpful suggestions for her clients to achieve results.
- Judy Lee Bou Kheir - Licensed Professional Counselor, M Ed, LPC-S
Joanne is a gifted, compassionate, and skilled professional. I feel so grateful to have worked with her on a multidisciplinary team as she applied her expertise. She is dedicated, committed, and passionate about each individual encounter she accepts.
- Steven Christmas, MSN, RN-BC, MBA/HCA
Dr. Jo is a compassionate, highly skilled, and dedicated therapist. Her specialized, holistic, cutting edge substance abuse treatment is unparalleled. She combines science with kindness to help individuals deeply and meaningfully recover.
- Olivia Berkley - Clinical Social Work/Therapist, LCSW